Modern Homesteading in Nature

Living the homestead life in modern days

Since we have started the Organic Art Ranch, we have had hundreds travelers of from all over the world. Many of them were eager to learn about sustainability, reducing their carbon footprint, living with more respect towards nature. In order to teach what we know we decided to organize this workshop, where you can see an example of integrating sustainable and traditional methods in modern life.

This workshop is for people who don’t want to change their life completely and become self sufficient, they don’t want to give up all their comfort and leave the city completely, but they want to make a change in their lifestyle, do something better for themselves and for the environment. By sharing what we know after living on homestead for many years, we can show you how to incorporate old traditional and ancient knowledge into your modern life and be closer to nature.

Date: 30th of June- 4th of July 

From the program:

First day

Welcome to a traditional mountain village. Things may seem like they have been forgotten by time. You will be able to see how people have lived a couple of hundred years ago, and in this village many of them still follow the ancient ways. We will share with you the knowledge we learnt from our neighbors and how we adapted them in today’s modern world.

  • Life, community and the environment on a small homestead
  • Link between farmers, farm communities, ancient food-production practices
  • Food seasonality awareness
  • Community Economics: Bartering and other ancient trading practices- collaborative buying, community currency trading, non-monetary systems today in a mountain village.
  • Food Production and sustainability: Ancient methods of community reliance vs self sufficiency – see an example of how this ancient knowledge can be implemented today

Second day

Intelligent gardening: Traditional gardening methods combined with creativity and modern methods. Using and growing herbs.

  • How to grow your own herbs in small spaces
  • Sheet mulching
  • Making your own compost/ getting worms
  • Storytelling and sharing experiences around the campfire

Third day

Eco constructions using local materials – get a glimpse into methods of renovating naturally. Cob. Lime. Sustainable building. Creativity. Theoretical and practical experience.

You will learn about using cob, lime and other traditional methods of construction as well as ecological principles in building. Theoretical and/or hands on experience in the following:

  • Mixing cob with straw for insulation,
  • Clay and lime plaster basics,
  • Mixing and applying plaster,
  • Mixing and using lime wash,
  • Making clay paint,
  • See some examples of natural constructions. What we have learnt from the ancestors and what we can do better today.

Fourth day

From garden to table – ancient practices of preserving food

Fermenting, pickling and storing. Salt. Healthy and delicious meals.

Basics of using what you grow! Relying on the principle of using what you have instead of buying more, we will share great ideas for beginners in gardening and cooking. You will get a hands on chance in harvesting produce from the garden and what to do with it. Learn how to use local and seasonal ingredients to cook a delicious meal. Tips for dealing with surplus food, preserving methods, some secrets of pickling and fermenting, and some theoretical knowledge of ancient preservation practices. We will also show you how to make a simple and delicious pickle with local and homemade ingredients. After that the participants will be split into smaller groups working on various activities.

Fifth day

visiting the local market


Contact us to reserve a place. Limited places. For more information write to us at