The Alternative Fashion Weekend in Nature

“Be Yourself”

Personal fashion is more than just clothing and make-up, it is also a declaration of who you are and how people interpret you. Some of us stand out from the crowd for the right reasons and have an eye for unusual beauty. Your creativity and your uniqueness is a virtue. There is always a story behind everything, and we want to hear yours. Share with us your unique fashion, clothing, accessories, makeup or hairstyle. This event is not not only an intercultural exchange, but an understanding of people and why they look the way they do and feel good while doing it. For example we can discuss and create images of how does a “Punk” fit into nature?

  1. In Our quite mountain setting we will take time to talk about what is fashion, and how you create your uniqueness. What things about your personal creativity in fashion do you like, and why others like your fashion. As an activity we will cross exchange personal fashions among the participants.
  1. Using elements of nature and our surroundings, create your personal fashion to fit your uniqueness. For example if your fashion favors natural colors and natural fabrics, create a dress out of leaves.
  1. A big part of this event is taking photos and learning how to take a good picture. It is not compulsory for every participant to come with their alternative fashion to present, if you are a photographer and you would like to take part in this event, you can also apply!

Rain or fog, sun or clouds, we will all gather at the Organic Art Ranch at 18.00 in October. The workshop is between the 17th-19th of September. You can also drop in for one day!

At the end of the fashion show, participants will take photos of each other guided by a fashion photographer. The idea is to capture the essence of each style in our beautiful nature setting.
If you wish to participate, send us a message or an email mentioning your alternative personal style.

Friday: Getting to know each other. There will be some hot soup for all waiting at the house. We will arrange the sleeping spots.

Saturday: Participants will present their personal fashion, then we will take photos. In the evening more eating and more talking, fun, playing some music (bring your instruments!)

Sunday: Looking at the photos together, feedback and goodbye brunch.

What to bring:

An open mind
We will provide some vegetables from our organic garden, herbs, fresh milk and homemade cheese. Please bring some food to share that we will use to cook warm dishes: rice, polenta, pasta, vegetables, homemade stuff is always great; the jarred stuff Grandma gave you! Please do not bring canned stuff…Think fresh think Nature!
Meal preparation and cleaning should be a group effort.
Bring your sleeping mat and bag
Your personal flashlight
Bring your photo stuff, a camera (any kind)
Warm clothing and waterproof shoes

Workshop fee might apply, contact us for details
Accommodation will be in our mountain house and in the camping area around.
There is also a guesthouse available 5 minutes away, contact us for more information.
Send us a message if you would like to join by the 15th of October. We have limited spots!


This photo is from the series created by Victoria Tsirigotis, and it is called “Irritation” because it’s not usual to wear things like that in our normal life. But what is normal in today’s world?

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