Nature at Close-Up: Birdwatching Weekend



„It is five o’clock in the morning, and I hear the red-breasted flycatcher singing. For a minute I’m puzzled, how is that possible, it is autumn, these birds are long gone to the warmer lands of Western-Asia. Then I realize, I’m in a tent, and I’m actually hearing my alarm clock ringing. It is time to get up! The stars are still up and the sight of Orion makes me forget about my sleepiness. Soon we are on the road again, and as the first rays of the sun flood the meadow we are up on the hill, ready to observe those birds that spent the night in the forest nearby. Our binoculars and cameras are ready… And suddenly they emerge, one by one, then tens of them, soaring high in the air on the warm breeze, they are so close that we can see every detail of their plumage, our hearts are pounding and our eyes are glued to them as they head for south and disappear…” (……..An Ornithologist’s Dream)

Place: The Organic Art Ranch

Time and Date: Friday, 25th of April to Sunday 27th of April.

Language: English (with some flexibility to other languages)


What you will do?

You will go on a guided tour with ornithologist to explore the bird fauna in the area.

There will also be a theoretical part where you can learn how to identify birds, their importance; you will hear information about ongoing monitoring programs in the country and so on.

You will observe and take part in bird capturing and ringing.

Some of the species you will most likely hear and see: chaffinch, chiff-chaff, great tit, blue tit, willow tit, mistle thrush, wood lark, yellowhammer, blackcap, lesser whitethroat…

 What you will need to bring:

Warm clothes, boots, raincoat

Head lamp

What we will provide for the workshop:


Bird identification guides

Spotting scope



20:00 – 20:30 Presentation by Máthé Orsolya – The basics of bird identification

20:30 – Dinner, consversations etc


07:00 – 13:00 Birdwatching tour

13:00 – 15:00 Lunch break

15:00 – 20:00 Bird ringing and bird surveys

20:00 – 20:30 Presentation by Benkő Zoltán – What do birds tell us and how do we interpret their signals

20:30 – Dinner


05:30- 11:00 Bird ringing

Led by Marton Attila



Birds building their nest









Food and sleeping

We will provide some food, but please bring food to share. We will cook together using the ingredients for a yummy lunch and supper.
Please, no canned food. You can bring along for instance: onions, seasonal vegetables, home cooked food, rice, pasta, potatoes, cornmeal, homemade preserves. Think Nature!

Sleeping: shared sleeping space in the barn loft or camping, bring your own sleeping bag and sleeping mat, we have some extra wool blankets. Bring: warm clothing, raincoats, waterproof boots, gloves.
Note: if somebody has the possibility to help us with transport up to the farm, please let us know. Thank you!



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